Porn Addiction Test

Take a quiz to see how serious your porn viewing habits are – and what some smart next steps are for freedom. 

The struggle is real. But so is freedom.

Struggling with pornography is a common problem for men and women - both young and old.

The harmful effects of pornography – both on the viewers and the actors – are becoming more widely researched and understood. From teenage erectile dysfunction, to rampant abuse of porn stars and prostitutes, to destroyed marriages, lost jobs, and debilitating shame – porn is poison.

If you only treat it like “a common cold” rather than “a terminal cancer”, then you will never address the problem with the appropriate solution.

The purpose of this porn addiction assessment is to help you get a better understanding of the severity of your problem so you can take the appropriate steps towards finding freedom from pornography’s grip.

Take the Porn Addiction Test.

Dishonest answers won’t help you get any closer to freedom. Tell the truth.

Broken Free's Porn Addiction Test

The test will ask you questions and then instantly tell you some suggested next steps, based on your unique answers.

Porn Addiction Quiz

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  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.

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