What’s Wrong With Free?
I sat down at my computer to write, and I noticed a flyer stuffed under my keyboard. It read “Free Online Access – to the
I sat down at my computer to write, and I noticed a flyer stuffed under my keyboard. It read “Free Online Access – to the
Sometimes we need to rethink our perspective of Love. It was indeed sets us free! I survived. By Justin Rule | 6.14.16 (Download/ Print PDF)
What you looking at?! Ever stopped to grab a quite bite to eat at lunch and forgot to nix the onions? Worse yet, ever grab
Too tired to begin? Following up on the topic of “death” from Phillipians 2: Ever walked outside and figured the snow was already too deep
Are you one of those people who say you don’t really believe in fortune cookie luck… but secretly you order some Asian or Oriental cuisine
Merry Christmas! Question: When you think of a manger, what comes to your mind? Straw? Wooden Shack? Magi with gifts? History tells a different story
How do you wait? The space between ‘making war’ and ‘living free’ Wanting something without being willing to wait for it is a sign of
Are you making war… or faking war? My brothers, I want to encourage you to ‘fight the good fight’ and in the spirit of our
A prayer challenge. 10:10 – John 10:10 says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life,
I was heading into Mile 3 or 4 on a jog through some bear-infested woods in the back country of Canada on my recent vacation
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