This might be your first conference, your 10th retreat, or your last ditch attempt at breaking free from sexual sin, but you can be sure of this: the TRUTH will set you free!
Saturday, July 25, 2020
join us on fb live or on saturday, may 30 from 8-10pm for a special message to husbands and wives on the truth about trust, freedom, hurt, and hope!
Bring a physical page-turning Bible, and a notebook.
We may worship different than your ‘style’ so ask the Lord to give you an open heart.
We will gather with men from all different backgrounds, cities, and experiences – so be open to meeting new brothers.
4696 Breezyview Drive
Columbia, PA 17512
Whether you are coming for the full day, the afternoon youth sessions, or the evening sessions – mark the date: Saturday, July 25, 2020.
If you need a scholarship to come, please ask us about funds to help.
What to bring
What we provide
What God provides: Freedom.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
7am – Registration Open
7:30 – Coffee and Lite Breakfast
8am – Welcome Session
9:30am – Worship & Morning Session
12:30pm – Lunch (on your own)
AFTERNOON SESSIONS (includes age-appropriate youth breakouts)
(Youth invited 2-6pm!)
2pm – Worship & Afternoon Session
330-415pm – Breakout Sessions (Youth and Adult Sessions)
430-515pm – Breakout Sessions (Youth and Adult Sessions)
530pm – Dinner together (provided)
EVENING SESSION (Open to husbands and wives)
8pm – FREE Worship and Evening Session (Husbands and Wives, location TBD)
10pm – dismiss
your journey to freedom can begin today!
©2024 All rights reserved | Broken Free - More Than Victory, You Were Made For Freedom!